Rules and behavior

My Company expects all Independent Representatives to adhere to the principles of fairness, honesty and integrity in all their dealings and activities as Independent Representatives.

This Code of Ethics and Conduct forms part of My Company 'Policies and Procedures, and all of the regulations and agreements currently in effect that all IRs adhere to. Any blatant breach of the code, policies, procedures, regulations and agreements applied involves taking action (actions) by the My Company Company, in accordance with the « My Company Company policies and procedures».

The Code of Ethics and Conduct outlines how the proper management of business is required of IRs.

In addition, My Company urges all IRs to obtain and maintain the code of ethics provided by any Direct Selling Association (DSA) in their respective countries where it is available.

It is a binding requirement for all IRs to adhere to this code of ethics at all times.

Part A - Behavior

01. Interact with the general public

1.1 Communications and Correspondence

The Independent Representative should:

a. To be committed at all times, when communicating with any person, whether through the telephone book or any other means, to respect the privacy and desires of the persons contacted;

B. Not to practice any objectionable or obscene behavior or any unjust or hostile behavior when communicating with or interacting with other persons who deal with My Company Company or the opportunities offered by the company;

T. Present the opportunities offered by or specializing in My Company as they are and without exaggeration, obscure, courtesy or distortion;

Th. Maintaining his personal appearance in terms of dress, language and documentation to the highest possible standards;

C. Adherence to the provisions of the law and good morals regarding items and days when making calls and setting appointments.

1.2 Presenting Opportunities

An Independent Representative presenting the business plan at any time, presenting a training course or seminar, or while attending a meeting of My Company Independent Representatives should:

a. Not to show any false details to anyone regarding the financial rewards available in light of the My Company plan

B. Not to make any misleading or false offers related to the features of My Company products, services and programs, including what is related to their level, quality, value, features, accessories, uses for a specific purpose, or their potential for trade or benefits;

T. Not to make any misleading or false offers about the prices of My Company products or services

Th. Not to engage in any behavior that would mislead anyone regarding the nature of any My Company products or services, their manufacturing process, their characteristics, suitability for a specific purpose, or their quality;

C. Not to make any misleading or false offers regarding anyone's need for goods or services;

H. To explain very clearly to anyone discussing it that the financial rewards opportunity for the Independent Representative is based on the individual performance of the Independent Representative;

K.. Use official versions approved by My Company, including forms, texts and other tools.

1.3 Doing Business

The Independent Representative must not do the following at any time:

a. Take advantage of other people's disabilities or weaknesses, such as illness or old age, disability, illiteracy or lack of knowledge of the language;

B. Urge or demand to obtain orders in favor of My Company products, including the use of physical force, improper harassment, coercion, or any means, except for offering the possibility of examining the orders that the independent representative wants to present;

T. He refused to identify himself when asked.

1.4 Clarify the business plan

a. When presenting or discussing the My Company business plan and its potential benefits, the Independent Representative should generally rely on the My Company documents for his references and adhere to the following points with regard to the contents of the business plan:

i. If making predictions about profits, these forecasts should reflect what the average person can accomplish under normal circumstances;

ii. If any earnings estimates are made, the assumptions on which the estimates are based should be clearly defined.

iii. When it is not possible to have past experiences upon which to make these earnings expectations, this should be clarified when making the presentation.

Th. When presenting or discussing an My Company business plan, the Independent Representative must not make any false offers with respect to:

i. Any risks potentially associated with conducting business;

ii. The amount of time the average person should devote to doing business;

iii. Annual expenses and total annual income that the average person directing the business might expect, and the method for calculating those numbers.

02. General obligations

2.1 Authorization limit

The Independent Representative's mandate is limited. The independent representative must refer any issue related to My Company to the relevant company representative. The Independent Representative should not interfere in the decision-making process without the prior written consent of the company representative.

2.2 Infringement of Independent Representatives

My Company does not condone intentional infringement of ownership by competing IRs or IRs from other lines of submission in My Company business.

03. Use of the ownership of My Company

As the trademarks, logos and service marks are registered and owned for the benefit of My Company and / or its subsidiaries, all written materials are protected by the copyright registered in favor of the My Company Company, and it is absolutely not permissible to use these trademarks, logos and service marks, or publish copyright materials. Except with a written authorization by the My Company company only.

04. Product Claims

My Company publishes the detailed data of its products which is accurate, complete and verifiable. The Independent Representative should not make any claims about My Company products or services unless it is based on official documents issued by My Company and accurately reflects the information contained in the relevant publications.

05. Independent representation obligations

5.1 Encouraging Ethical Business Practice

The Independent Representative is obligated to:

a. Ensure that IRs in his / her group read the Code and implement at all times their business relationships, either within the group or with IRs in the general public; In the appropriate legal form, with a level of respect and honesty, and in line with what is stated in the Code;

B. Ensure that IRs are well informed about laws applicable to the business and duties of the Independent Representative, including other key facts and public policies or regulations that may affect these business and duties;

T. Maintain confidentiality and not unethical use of information that may harm the business of other IRs.

5.2 My Company obligations

My Company Company guarantees the following:

a. That its employees act at all times in a manner that does not conflict with the legitimate interests of the Independent Representative and carry out their duties in accordance with respect and professional honesty;

B. Independent Representatives are well-informed about laws applicable to the business, the Independent Representative's duties, and other key facts and public policies that affect these business and duties, and that they will comply with all of their requirements;

T. The full cooperation of its employees with IRs in providing them with appropriate advice on matters of interest to them;

Th. To act for legitimate IRs to the best of her abilities.

06. Implementation of the Code of Ethics and Conduct

Both My Company and the Independent Representative agree to fully abide by and adhere to this code of ethics and conduct.

6.1 Compliance

My Company Company and the Independent Representative undertake to fully comply with what is stated in the Code:

a. From the My Company Company issues raised by members of the Board of Directors, executive officials, and all other employees;

B. In the issues raised by the Independent Representatives and their subordinates.

6.2 Administration

My Company Company handles all its dealings with Independent Representatives in a manner that complies with the Code of Ethics and Conduct.

07. Professional Communication

The Independent Representative must not:

a. Polling information on behalf of or on behalf of another multi-level marketing company or direct selling company;

B. Disclosing confidential information to any unauthorized persons or for unauthorized or unethical purposes;

T. Discuss the financial aspects of other IRs' businesses;

Th. Encourage another IR to change your referral or application line

C. Participating in dishonest acts or improperly plagiarizing the work of others, or encouraging or inciting others to do so;

H. Exploiting My Company sponsored concerts, documents or CDs in the business of switching lines or trespassing.

08. Prospective Independent Actor assistant

The Independent Representative must at all times, with or without the assistance of his superiors, complete all relevant parts of the request in the presence of the potential client.

8.1 Clarification to a Potential Client

The referrer or chairperson, in the presence of the client, must explain and complete the representative's request form in a manner that makes the client aware that it has been submitted to him by the principal or the independent representative presenting it.

8.2 Application subject to acceptance

The application form is subject to whether or not it is accepted as a valid form to the discretion of My Company in addition to the appointment of this person as an independent representative.

09. complaints

In the event that the Independent Representative is aware of any violations of this Code, and wants to file a complaint, these complaints should be written in accordance with the policies and procedures of My Company Company.

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